The Many Marks of Motherhood

The Many Marks of Motherhood

When I was blessed to set my eyes upon my firstborn daughter I feel deeply and irrevocably in love. The magnitude of love, which was awakened within me, was something I never imagined possible.  It expanded my heart and softened my soul. I became a new woman devoted to her child’s unfolding. 

Essential Oils for Pregnancy

Essential Oils for Pregnancy

I am so grateful to have an abundance of the highest quality essential oils at my fingertips to support my current journey through pregnancy, birth and beyond. 

I've long valued the benefits of essential oils for mamas and babies, using aromatherapy massage oils with my pregnant clients and blending beautiful labor oils and mists to bring along in my birth bag as a doula. 

The experience of growing and birthing a baby is an extraordinary one, in which a mother experiences changes physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 


Adventures in Breastfeeding: Night Weaning

Adventures in Breastfeeding: Night Weaning

On the epic & eventful journey of breast feeding there comes a time when you NEED TO GET MORE SLEEP.  In fact you know beyond a doubt you have to have it.  Night weaning is simply choosing not to nurse your baby at night. I am writing this for all the momma’s who practice attachment parenting, co-sleeping, and nursing on demand as well as others who may be interested in the practice of night weaning. Here are some of the signs that you are ready. 



Ayurveda is a vast and ancient system full of valuable information for conception and fertility.  For those that wish to utilize the “science of life” and its myriad of practical keys on how to conceive, gestate and give birth to a being of excellent health, vitality, good disposition and even latent spiritual pursuits; we present Conscious Conception: a complete, concise and user friendly course for the holistic minded mother-to-be, which dives deeply into the areas of nutrition, herbalism and natural remedies, lifestyle practices, relationship dynamics as well as spiritual practices, rituals and ceremonies.

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

By honoring my family with continued prayer I feel I remain close to that pure light of Creation, which connected me to them in the first place. My ability as a mother to recognize that light in my children strengthens the loving connection I have for each of them physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I also believe this bond deeply solidifies the partnership I have with my husband.  Our prayers both individually and collectively weave an energetic blanket of protection that rests upon all our shoulders as a reminder of our unification and eternal love. 

The Nurturing Wisdom of Water

The Nurturing Wisdom of Water

Water informs. As we observe the patterns and flow of water (as well as feeling them), we are subtly encouraged to notice the patterns and flow of ourselves—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are encouraged to notice the patterns and flow of our own consciousness—of its motivations, joys, fascinations, creativity, longings, knowings, and sometimes even fears. We can observe the arising of these things, as well as of their patterns and flow. We can tune in deeply to what is true for us.

Redefining the Modern Matriarch: The Revival of Traditional Mothering Roles, with a Twist

Redefining the Modern Matriarch: The Revival of Traditional Mothering Roles, with a Twist

Gone seem to be the days when mothering, especially stay-at-home mothering, is viewed as a non-occupation.  Like when the question, “Does your mom work?” was answered by, “Nah, she just stays home.”  Thus giving the impression (at least to this writer) that stay-at-home mothering was uneventful, unproductive, indulgent and downright boring. 


Due largely to the advent of the social media age, where we are now privy to the smallest details of one another’s existence, we are given a lens into a current phenomenon that is beginning to come into full bloom.  If you haven’t already caught wind of this movement on your news feed, here’s the scoop:  neo-traditionalism is on the rise.